EU Requirements For Wood Packing Materials
Non Manufactured Wood Packing Material
EU Requirements for Wood Packing Materials
Effective March 1, 2005 the European Union requires all newly assembled, repaired or recycled unprocessed raw wood packaging materials (hardwood and softwood) entering the EU to be either heat treated or fumigated and officially marked under ISPM15. In addition all wood packaging material is required to be debarked and marked DB. However, due to continuing issues surrounding the EU debarking requirement U.S. wood packaging materials will not contain the DB symbol.
Hardwood and softwood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo (dunnage) is required to be either heat treated or fumigated and officially marked under ISPM15 OR if not treated and marked be bark free and free from signs of live pests. After December 31, 2007 all dunnage will be required to be treated and officially marked under ISPM15. Wood packaging materials including dunnage less than 6 mm and processed wood produced from glue, heat, and pressure or a combination thereof (i.e., Oriented Strand Board, plywood, etc) are exempt from treatment and marking.
This notice is excerpted from the USDA/APHIS website United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service