What is an EIN?
The Employer Identification number (also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number) is a nine-digit number used to identify a business entity. Employer Identification Numbers are assigned by the Internal Revenue service, and can be used for tax returns, business permits, opening a bank account etc.
Can I use my SSN if I don’t have EIN?
Every person who is exporting from the USA must obtain an EIN, which is needed to file export information via AES (Automated Export Systems). You cannot use a SSN. The Office of Management and Budget has mandated the Census Bureau to eliminate the collection of the SSN for Automated Export System purposes. This rule is being implemented to ensure that a U. S. Principal Party in Interest’s or U.S. authorized agent’s SSN is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a.
Do I have to get a number if I don’t have a business?
If you are filing as an individual and not as a company, the EIN number should be done under the Sole Proprietor category-even if you are not planning to start a business.
How can I get an EIN number?
The easiest way to obtain an EIN is by phone (800) 829-4933 or online on the IRS website. It shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes. Apply for the EIN now
If you have additional questions about EIN’s please visit the IRS website